Outfield Asia
Toccoa™ Zoysiagrass

ONE selected Toccoa™ after an extensive worldwide search to identify a zoysiagrass that would overcome our region’s biggest issues:  Slow growth, poor color, sluggish recovery from wear and damage, and excessive thatch development that requires regular and expensive maintenance to keep the grass looking good.

Toccoa meets the bill, with full grow-in from sprigs in just three months, finely textured dark green leaves, and a dense growth pattern that nonetheless generates minimal thatch.

Toccoa is available on the ground, in Vietnam, right now.

Toccoa™ Zoysiagrass
  • Dark green color & fine leaves create dense, beautiful surfaces
  • Faster, stronger growth for excellent wear recovery and earlier openings & reopenings
  • Developed by the University of Florida, USA, especially to thrive in the climates of southern Florida, Vietnam, and Southeast Asia
  • Creates outstanding fairways, playing fields, and lawns that are easier to maintain!

TOCCOA™ ZOYSIAGRASS has been bred for dark green leaves, a fine leaf texture, and a dense growing pattern, creating an outstanding playing surface.

Toccoa™ is the rare zoysiagrass that thrives in the heat, humidity, and rainfall of Vietnam and Southeast Asia.  Toccoa grows strongly, establishes quickly at first planting, and recovers well from wear and damage.

On a golf course, Toccoa planted from sprigs can be genuinely playable in as little as three months.  In testing in Palm Beach, Florida, Toccoa covered test plots faster and had significantly more cover in every single month of the year than other well-known zoysia varieties.

Toccoa™ Zoysiagrass
Toccoa™ Zoysiagrass

Toccoa generates significantly less thatch, has good shade tolerance, and its narrower, shorter leaves and sheaths produce far fewer seedheads than other zoysiagrass varieties, reducing three major and common maintenance headaches.

Developed and patented by the renowned turfgrass breeding program of the University of Florida, USA, Toccoa has been bred especially to create a superior surface that is easier and less expensive to maintain.

Toccoa™ is the fastest zoysiagrass to establish,

and the easiest zoysiagrass to maintain.

It creates a beautiful, quality surface.

Toccoa is ideal for golf courses, resorts, sports fields, schools, and property developments throughout the challenging climates of Vietnam and Southeast Asia

Outfield grows patented Toccoa™ zoysiagrass in its nursery in Quang Nam, south of Danang, under a full license from the Florida Foundation Seed Producers, a direct support organization of the University of Florida.

Outfield’s Toccoa™ in its Quang Nam nursery is certified and imported to Vietnam directly from the original, certified-pure Toccoa® Foundation Field in Clarksville, Florida, USA, under full inspection by both the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Plant Protection Department of the Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture.